It has taken me a couple of days to let it fully sink in that it’s January 2015… Now that I’ve accepted it I decided to figure out my bookish/reading/blogging goals and resolutions.


  • With the exception of 2015 releases that are continuations of series and of comics/graphic novels, I want to STOP BUYING BOOKS! This is probably a goal most of us book lovers want to achieve, and for the sake of our bank accounts and our sanity, I hope we do. I’ve been seeing on Booktube and Twitter that a lot of people are doing this #0by16, which is essentially reading all of the physical books on their TBR until they have 0 left by 2016. I don’t know that I will be able to get completely down to 0, but I am damn well going to try.
  • I set my Goodreads Challenge to 60 books. I think I have between 60-70 books on my physical TBR pile, but this isn’t including 2015 releases that I will definitely be picking up, so I don’t know that I can get to 0… but honestly I’ll be happy if I get close enough.
  • I want to start to diversify my reading. New Adult, Adult, Non-Fiction even? Who knows. I have a huge variety of books on my TBR shelves right now it’s just a matter of getting through them. This kind of leads me to my next two challenges.
  • I want to read more Classics but I don’t want to force myself to read like 50 or something absurd. So to accommodate I want to read at least 1 per month.
  • I also want to dive into Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series! However, it’s kind of intimidating seeing as he has written like 40 books. So again, I’m going to aim for one a month!
  • Continue to make my way through the Rory Gilmore Reading List!
  • Lastly in my bookish section, I want to participate in as many Read-A-Thons as I can! Starting with the Bout of Books 12.0 that runs from January 5th to 11th!


  • I definitely want to get more active in commenting and interacting with other bloggers. I started this blog to connect with other readers and make new friends and I’m really hoping to make good on that this year!
  • Keep up on the blogging even when school gets busy! I want to post at least a few times a week and review more!
  • I also really want to spruce up the image of my blog and figure out how to become a bit more blog/tech savvy. I kind of just started blogging without having any idea how to make it look like a book blog.


  • Stop being so boring! Get outside my comfort zone. Even if this means taking my book and computer to Starbucks or a park… But mostly start saying “yes” instead of “no”. I’m constantly saying no to things that I think will be scary and anxiety-inducing but the truth is I think I need to start facing those things. I’m never going to get anywhere cooped up inside hiding from strange situations.
  • Travel more! Explore more! Not necessarily to places half way across the globe (seeing as I’m currently unemployed and broke) but even places in my own country or city.
  • Take better care of myself. Exercise my body and my mind. Eat healthier. You know, those typical resolutions everyone always starts in January and then forgets about a few months down the road.

Well, I think I covered just about everything. What about you guys? Do we have any similar resolutions? Also, for those of you who have been blogging for a while, any tips or advice?



5 thoughts on “2015: GOALS, RESOLUTIONS, CHALLENGES!

  1. Happy New Year! I still can’t believe it’s January of 2015… where has the time gone?! I’m still getting used to seeing “2015” where my laptop displays the time and date.

    #0by16 sounds really interesting! I’ve got about a million books on my TBR, so I don’t want myself to feel pressured into finishing them all, but I might give it a shot, just to see how many books I can scratch off my list 😀 I also really want to diversify my reading, too. I usually stick to YA, but I’d like to broaden my reading. Definitely want to venture into NA, which is kind of scary!

    I’ve been more and more interested in classics recently, so I’ve been trying to convince myself that this year can be my year to finally read (and enjoy) classics. Good luck with your read-a-thons!

    I totally need to work on keeping up blogging when life/school get out of hand. I need to remind myself to use the “schedule post” feature on WordPress more often. It really comes in handy sometimes!

    Getting out of my comfort zone (in terms of books, or otherwise) is a huge struggle for me. I guess I feel so much more comfortable in my own home, but it doesn’t hurt to get out and try things I wouldn’t usually try. (But I wouldn’t get *too* carried away… I’m not Dauntless or anything!)

    When I was a newbie blogger, I played around with the image of my blog A LOT before I finally settled on something. Just mess around with it, and pretty soon you’ll find a look that you’ll love 😀 You can also make your own graphics with websites like Canva and PicMonkey, which is pretty fun.

    I hadn’t realized how long this comment had gotten! But I’ll end it here 😀 Good luck with your resolutions, and I look forward to watching your blog blossom 😀


    • I know I feel like 2014 disappeared! I’ll probably continue writing “2014” when dating things for at least a few weeks…

      Yes! I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t dipped into NA yet, but you’re right it’s scary!

      I also didn’t even realize there was a “schedule post” option until recently so I definitely will be making use of that.

      I know exactly how you feel. I definitely feel more comfortable in my own home. I probably won’t be running around saying YES, YES, YES to everything… but I just need to think “will this be a good experience that I will probably enjoy if I suck it up and do it”. I am certainly not Dauntless either!

      Thank you for the advice and thanks so much for commenting! I didn’t mind waking up to a long comment to read 🙂 Goodluck with your reading goals as well, and definitely let me know if you find any interesting NA or classics I should look into!


  2. I know exactly what you mean about the buying too many books. I’m doing a book buying ban this year too. I probably won’t be able to get my TBR down to 0 by 2016, but I hope to put a dent in it, haha.

    Read-a-thons are so much fun. I want to participate in more this year too. 🙂

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